finally i am back to blogger...
sorry let u all waiting so long yea~
and other picha u can see at my FB..
i wil upload a.s.a.p~
kem juara serian,sarawak..
tis is d camp tat i goin at january...
first few days at there...feel lik wana go home...
but after few weeks/ end of january...
i found tat i learn many things tat i never get it from here...
teamwork,commitment,myself,and country ....
then we get many training lik kembara halangan,flying fox...camping 2 days 1 nite ( but fail cause of raining big) ,shooting ( M-16...so song) XD..and many many...
then we got go to kampung and many place to do social service...
lik we goin special school....students who cant hear or cant speak...
we fun,we help them...learn many things about our heart...
we all never argue about tat...our company all help each other...
finally our company (delta) get overall champion !!!
i learn tat there is no difference between agama....
i donate blood at there oso...1 pack
1 pack = save 3 life...
tats the good thing i have ever done...haha...not lie la..true d
and too many things i get...
mayb u all think tat is fake...
but say truly...
i am no more old-style SHINO...
new-style of me have my commitment,have my aim,my dream...and i tell myself i can do it~
there is no impossible in my life...
for those who kena NS...
u all should go...
dun fear about pain,stress,pressure...
be tough...
u get countless goods in ur life...
but the last words....
and talk about SPM result..
quite sucks la..
2B 2C 3D and 3G
i need 5 credit...but i get 4...
some college i cannot go edi....
still discussing about my future wit my family...
for those who miss me alot at blogger....
u all can post a comment at here...wakaka...
let me see how many ppl miss me during i goin ns...haha....
I'm here...once again~