This is the last picture i take at 2010...
2011 reach........Lets rewind my 2010 d case and memory =)
January 2010 - March 2010
Big achievement of my life...PLKN
at there i know lots of friend...learn lots of thing that i never learn at school....
But in the meantime i got back house at CNY for celebrate New Year la....although its short...
then...March 9 Back to KL....sadness moment with the PLKN friend....=/
March 10 -- SPM comes out...
2 B 2 C 3 D 3 Fail
i know thats not a good result...but i try my best edi...nothing can do....=/
April 2010
I start my life at college...which is SEGI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE at Kota Damansara..
Study Diploma in Marketing...
May 2010
WALAO....cool thing...
Go for HALO FOREST VERY IDOL AUDITION and qualify into the class....I start my music life oso at Halo...It divide into 8 class and im in 3rd....
Lot of friends i know at there...All are pros and have potential on singing....
June-July ---- Nothing Special so far 2010
The Stress month for me...
because having exam in College and Halo...
I have to handle both....
and of cuz...have to start work hard for HALO VERY IDOL CONCERT...
September 2010
1st time step at the big stage...KLPAC...
Having performance at Halo VERY IDOL CONCERT ...
THE BIRD that i act have make every teacher at HALO knows it....They all praise me at stage...at class....and lots of halo friends...they support me...although i din take any award at concert...
I know i din take any award....But as a performer...even u are not a main actor....u also need to support the main actor to make a great performance...this is all i learn...
And i have qualify into another round of HALO VERY IDOL again...120 to 70+ lik tat...
November 2010
Halo start classes...Just dance class and vocal class...
Happiest thing is chilla teacher praise me that i improve a lot on singing.....
it makes me shock...and also make me have a wild heart to keep improving myself....
And also....friends and THE MY ONLY ONE celebrate my birthday....
I Love them so much...especially HER....=)
December 2010
Woo...Last month of 2010
Exam at college and Halo again...
I duno why college and halo exam always hit the date...lol
college exam still ok la...
juz....1 day din sleep juz for 2 subject....i oso duno y i cant sleep..=.=
den halo exam....david and serena teacher say outs my problem on my singing skills...
they think that im still....a entertainer...( because at halo 1 performance i act a ppl playing piano but a fake hair and lots of funny move )
so they juz think that i wil always like 谐星。。
After that day...I promise to myself....I won't be a entertaining singer....I wanna be a singer that can entertain..can sing...and lots of thing...to BECOME A ALL-AROUND SINGER...If I can...
I will work hard......I won't let you all down....That's NONOshi Style.. =)
countdown at genting with HER for 2011
although no fireworks...but the process that we at genting is very nice and sweet...^^
so tats my 2010 memories....
For 2011....
the journey won't stop...
I will keep running and work hard for halo music and college.....
NoNoshi 2011 continues to go......
Fuifill the dreams...It won't be hard...All you need is Heart... =)