And so long din post something here....
This post are nothing special...just for sharing my life in the past..=)
I have make myself rest and relax a lot on the whole MAY
since HALO are finish...
and trying to find some jobs to have some pocket money or wat so ever..
Wanna be a cafe singer..I called the agent and waiting for audition..
AND until now he just said he just too busy..since he are handling the PJ area...=.=
no choice..only have to wait...but i wish that can be asap...LOL
and 2moro are gonna have another audition at WINGS and Xuan cafe...for singer...?
since BEN and JH asked me to go...
although it's far abit maybe...but since i am free at night...wish to go and have a try...why not?
today the semester 3 result are out..( i mean college )
No fail...got A...but still..not satisfy on my result...
have to keep working hard on it....
and as the las few posts saying...i taking a course at tis month...VOCAL CLASS...
now it's the 3rd class...and very enjoy on learning...keep going on it...i can see the future..=)
And of course...I recently PAKAT..( dunno what should i use ) with ben JH and steven them to form a band...the 1st time we practice was AWESOME!!
I wish that we can keep it rolling when everytime we have JAMMING...HAHA...=)
That's all....
arg...1 more thing...
once i be a cafe singer in a coming time...i will post the address and time to everyone and wish u all can take some time come to support yea...APPRECIATE THAT..cause it can motivate me more on performing on stage...XD